Earnon APK

How do I want to pay the author

Love your users
Don't show ads to your users, but let them choose how they want to pay you for your application: money, views advertising or become a proxy and use the application comfortably
What we offer
Basic information to help you get acquainted with our service

No code knowledge
We automatically integrate our proxy, just download the APK file in your personal account

From $0.1
Compatible with any current app income. Start your way from small

Only with the user's consent
You can specify in the user agreement or give a choice the user how he wants to pay the developer
How it works SDK
A detailed path step by step from start to finish
You upload your APK file to our form.
We integrate into it and issue a new APK to you. Knowledge no programming required

Distribute the application on your website
Users install a new version of the application

Agree and accepts the custom agreement
And we are ready to share part of our traffic so that you earned. Usually you give a free version for this applications

Earn money!
While users are using the application

Why choose us
Each APK file must be signed with a digital certificate which
Android uses to identify the author of the application

Our SDK is carefully thought out and complies with all current regulations data protection

Full transparency
We provide unique tools to verify that all traffic is accounted for

Work with consent
Our system operates exclusively with the user's consent
We answer questions
You can learn more about the basic questions